Our team
Get to know our team at ACTlytics
Cindy de Groot, CEO and founder
She studied Business Mathematics and Computer Science (BMC) at the VU University Amsterdam, after which she worked as a business consultant at one of the largest providers of optimization software and analysis solutions in the world, to subsequently set up and lead a successful new business consultancy division for North America as managing director for this company.
Now she is director and founder of ACTlytics. She supports and advises organizations in their data-driven processes. She also advises companies on the development and implementation of perfectly matching software packages.
Luc about Cindy:
“Cindy works in a structured, precise and solution-oriented way. She is always sharp and asks the right questions. She is always up for a chat. A capable, pleasant colleague.”
Sefanja van der Lee, Business Consultant Analytics
Sefanja studied Mathematical Engineering at the Hague University of Applied Sciences in Delft. During her studies, Sefanja gained experience during various internships at Coca-Cola, Erasmus MC and Rijkswaterstaat. She then started working as a business consultant at ACTlytics.
As a business consultant, Sefanja helps make the transition between planning software and the projects to which it is applied, so that planning software is accessible and understandable for the users. Her duties range from conducting analytical conversations to creating dashboards and assisting with reporting so that the user can get the most out of the software.
Cindy about Sefanja:
“Sefanja is a go-getter and a thinker. She looks for creative solutions and thinks out-of-the-box. She is social and likes to be part of a team.”
Luc Groot Koerkamp, Business Consultant Supply Chain
Luc studied Logistics and Economics at the Hogeschool van Utrecht, after which he started working as a demand planner. Subsequently, he broadened his supply chain planning knowledge as a production planner. He has a passion for optimizing planning processes. As a consultant, Luc ensures that supply chain planning software is used correctly.
He supports and trains users of optimization software. He also helps with the design, reporting and configuration of the software. In this way, he makes sure that companies get the most out of their software, and therefore make better decisions.
Sefanja about Luc:
“Luc likes to keep an overview, with a focus on improving the end-to-end supply chain. He is a results-oriented go-getter with expertise.”
Koen van Dijk, Business consultant
Koen studies Business Analytics and Operational Research at Tilburg University. While finishing his masters degree, Koen will work at ACTlytics parttime to gain some hands on experience.
At ACTlytics, Koen will help make the transition between software and the context it is used in. His goal is to make software accessible and understandable for the users.
Cindy about Koen:
“Koen can explain complex topics in a simple way. He shifts gears well and can therefore convey the message to his conversation partner. He also works in a solution oriented-manner. He can build on his approach: he is eager to learn and has a positive can-do mentality.”
Peter Derksen, Business Consultant Analytics
Peter studied Applied Mathematics at the Amsterdam University. He started his dual master’s in business analytics at the VU University in Amsterdam on 1 September. As a dual master student, he combines work and study (50-50%).
As a business consultant, Peter makes the translation between planning software and the supply chain planning questions for which the software is used. His goal is to make sure the end users can create and analyze a plan efficiently. His activities vary from creating dashboards and designing reports to explaining solver results and training end-users.
Luc about Peter:
“Peter is an enterprising and critical colleague. He always investigates and solve problems from new perspectives. In addition, he is very eager to learn and always interested in new challenges.”
Tim ten Wolde, Work student
Tim studies Information Science at Utrecht University and his main interest is in the field of data science. Tim works part time at ACTlytics to gain some hands on experience in addition to his studies.
Tim will focus on expanding capabilities within ACTlytics for rapid and interactive analysis.
Cindy about Tim:
“Tim is enterprising and pragmatic. With his no-nonsense mentality he knows how to distinguish between main and secondary issues. He does not hesitate to dive into the deep end and find a solution to a less well-defined challenge.”
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